
Tattoo has a long tradition, different meanings and importance throuoghout various cultures. It can be an amulet, it can give you power or it can even be considered a sign of maturity. The word „tattoo“ comes from tahitian „tatu“ or „tatau“, which means to mark or to thrust. 
Nowadays, when the man has „discovered“ the power of individuality and ego, it also reveals one´s personality, telling the world „a part“ of your story. Tattoos give you pleasure and delight.
Tattoo has become an art. People today feel more freedom, they expose themselves as well as their believes. It has become not only part of popular people´s image, but it has become wide spread for all people.
Tattoo is individual and personal. People choose different motives and different placements. The reasons to have one, differ from purely esthetic to deep philosophical reasons. The important thing for us is to satify your needs and expectations.


Contact us

MON-FRI 10:00 - 18:00
SAT-SUN closed
You get to our studio by bus number:
21, 25, 32, 41, 83, 84, 93, 184
You get to our studio by trolley number:
204, 209, 212
parking is avalible nearby our studio

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