About us


Every year in November, people look for bargains on Black Friday. But did you know that the same day is also Buy Nothing Day? It is an international day of protest against consumerism. The rules are simple. Just don’t buy anything at all for 24 hours. Many people are surprised how difficult this actually is. But one day a year you could do it, right ? 
For this reason - we don't support Black Friday, we are more sympathetic to Buy Nothing day - we don't have any discounts for you this day

Contact us

MON-FRI 10:00 - 18:00
SAT-SUN closed
You get to our studio by bus number:
21, 25, 32, 41, 83, 84, 93, 184
You get to our studio by trolley number:
204, 209, 212
parking is avalible nearby our studio

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Created by www.disweb.sk